Peter Sonski and Lauren Onak
We are campaigning to bring your values to American politics. Lend us a hand by spreading the word, donating, and volunteering to help share the American Solidarity Party’s vibrant and powerful message! It’s time to fix American politics, and we can make a difference with a clear call for a political renewal focused on the common good. A vote for the candidates who most represent your values is never wasted.

2024 Ballot Access
Blue: On the Ballot
Light Blue: Write-In Candidate
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Peter Sonski, 61, a New England native, is married with nine adult children and 6 grandchildren. He and his wife live in Connecticut.
Peter graduated from public high school and earned BA and MSM degrees from The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. His professional experience is in journalism, public relations, insurance and business administration. He worked in our nation’s capital for eight years as Director of Communications for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and previously as Assistant Editor at National Catholic Register.
Peter is concluding his second term as an elected member of Connecticut’s Regional School District 17 board of education. The district’s two elementary schools were named Connecticut Schools of Distinction for Overall Achievement in 2022. Its high school principal is the current National High School Principal of the Year, and its middle school is a nationally recognized Special Olympics Unified Champion School.
Peter has more than a dozen years experience as an elected official, having served previously as municipal board of finance member (chairman) and board of selectmen (city council) member.
Having been both a Democrat and a Republican in his voting lifetime, Peter has been unaffiliated for more than 20 years. His faith informs his public policy views, especially life and social justice issues.
Peter was introduced to the American Solidarity Party during the midterm election in 2018. Considering the ASP an oasis in the political desert, he quickly embraced its principles and platform and publicly identified with the party as an elected official.
He has been active in the pro-life movement for decades and advocates for an end to capital punishment and clemency for people awaiting execution. Peter has worked to prevent the legalization of assisted suicide in Connecticut – a measure that has been introduced repeatedly since 1994. He also coordinates a bimonthly blood drive at his church hall, which has collected more than 1,500 units for people in need.
As a father and grandfather, Peter is attuned to the needs of families. He favors robust tax credits and incentives that support family unity and basic needs, such as living wages, affordable and stable housing, quality medical care, educational opportunities and good nutrition. These will be priorities among his policy initiatives as the ASP 2024 presidential nominee.
Peter advocates for workers and local businesses and will create incentives for development of a broad ownership economy. He seeks to preserve farmland and develop more open space initiatives, business co-ops and community enterprises.
Peter aims to present the ASP’s values holistically, never shying away from or watering down the things that make up the ASP’s identity.
His chief aim as a presidential nominee will be to grow the American Solidarity Party in size and influence. Peter will emphasize ballot access and work with state chapters to promote the party’s principles as well as to recruit and train local candidates. By showcasing the ASP's values to a politically divided electorate, Peter aims to appeal to disaffected voters longing for an end to legislative gridlock and an introduction of common good policy measures.
Peter’s experience in government and campaigning are an uncommon asset to the American Solidarity Party and a legitimate opportunity for its growth.

Why Now? Why the ASP?
I firmly believe that the ASP can be the cure to the many ailments our nation faces today. As the ASP’s presidential candidate, I will work to rigorously promote the ASP and its values.
Today, we have an active war raging between Russia and Ukraine, a threat of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, rumors of a Chinese blockade of Taiwan, provocative saber-rattling from North Korea, a military coup in Myanmar, long-standing tensions flaring in the Middle East, and religious and ethnic persecution across the globe. Despite this, there are a host of domestic problems in our nation, and the worst political gridlock in memory.
In U.S. presidential election cycles through time, the major parties would bend toward the center in efforts to appeal to the majority of the electorate. Recently the duopoly parties have instead shifted toward polar ends of the political spectrum, effectively dividing the electorate. This, coupled with supporting only candidates that tow the party line, has created political discord and rancor – in Congress, in state houses and in city streets.
In my time with the American Solidarity Party, I’ve been impressed by members’ deliberative efforts to address issues practically and inspired by the civil exchange of ideas and positions – in stark contrast to the rhetoric and actions of elected officials.
The American Solidarity Party is an offshoot of Christian Democracy and a vanguard for social justice in our nation and world. The Christian tenets, shaped for a pluralistic society, are nonetheless universal, defending and advocating for human rights and dignity.