From Peter’s Desk: On the Debate
Americans had a look at their potential future during last night’s first presidential debate. The two presumptive major party nominees were on full display. In particular, acumen and character were under the microscope. Unfortunately, it was arrogance and caricature that prevailed.
Having stressed human life and human dignity as the foundation of my campaign, I was troubled by what I heard. Trump’s quick and complete support for medication abortions, which account for approximately 60 percent of the 900,000 or more annual U.S. abortions cements that he is not pro-life. Biden by no means gets a pass. His abortion position has been consistent and deplorable. Pundits will argue about who lost this debate. To me it’s clear: the child in the womb.
On the other hand, I believe that third parties were a winner. People who have been cautious or skeptical about third party involvement in presidential elections have reason for less hesitancy. If the candidates’ performance was not bad enough, the failure of the political system was clear. That the major political parties of most advanced nation on the globe can offer these two candidates as choices to manage a nuclear arsenal is frightening.
Taking it a step further, instead of policy solutions or even a hint of empathy with struggling Americans, there was finger pointing and accusation about inflation and Covid response, along with mutual chiding about foreign affairs, immigration and border policy. Shockingly, there was bragging … about golf! I’m sure people who are worried about how they’ll manage the rent payment next week took note.
I’m writing this early in the morning, after a late night, before heading out to my day job. I’ll close by saying America deserves more options for president. Please help me to become a better known candidate, especially in the wake of this debate, by sharing your support for #SonskiOnak24 on social media and offering a donation to help Lauren and me to secure ballot access in more states.