From Peter’s Desk: Building a Foundation

No one approaches politics and public policy from a purely neutral position. While I strive to be objective, to understand the circumstances that affect others’ political stances, I undeniably have my own worldview. It’s a healthy exercise to challenge one’s perspective, though, with honesty and humility.

Are my positions based on the common good? Are they truly a reflection of my values, or am I compromising my true beliefs for the sake of party affiliation? Are my stances founded on goodwill or directed only in opposition to those with whom I disagree? Are they consistently just? Are any positions in contradiction with others? Attachment to positions that must constantly be justified suggest a need for reevaluation.

Last week, measures to affirm abortion were added to ballots in Missouri and Arizona, which by my count brings the number of such state initiatives to eight. Respect for human life are fundamental and its protection should be set on the federal level. The American Solidarity Party has long held this common sense position. The Republican Party used to make this claim, but it was unprepared (or unwilling) to advance it when Roe v. Wade was overturned. The Democratic Party prefers unfettered abortion access.

Many voters charge that the ASP can’t win in November. I may not be changing address in January 2025, but I won’t change my principles to do so. I consider that a win, and if we establish the infrastructure to build a consistent political framework over time, no one loses.

The past few weeks have been marked by some frustrations for the Sonski-Onak campaign. The American Solidarity Party may still be a fledgling political movement, but it has drawn opposition in its ballot access efforts. Lauren and I need your support – both financial and vocal. The donations will help us to face challenges while spreading the word of our campaign and its objectives will help others see both the limits of the present two-party system as well as the stranglehold it strives to maintain on voters.

“What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops” (Matthew 10:27).


From Peter’s Desk: A Race for the Duration


From Peter’s Desk: The Relevance of the ASP