From Peter’s Desk: The Relevance of the ASP

I have been traveling of late, which affords less time for writing, but I do try to keep up with reading. This headline caught my eye: “Majority of Americans say democracy is on the ballot this fall.”

When a majority of Americans are in agreement about a politics in 2024, it’s worth our attention.

In summary, the article simply reports that voters agree that they disagree. They acknowledge they are unhappy with U.S. political affairs but are trapped, or at least limited, by our two-party system. They dislike the circumstances and feel the only convenient option is to embrace the cause of the problem by picking a side.

The American Solidarity Party has gotten a lot of interest in recent weeks. In the heart of political convention season, politically homeless voters have found respite. In assessing policy positions, they find in us logical consistency in support of the common good that the major parties lack.

The duopoly has increasingly given attention to the ASP as well, seeing it as a new threat to its preferred stronghold on voters. Our campaign is being challenged in our ballot access efforts, and there are increased and intensified efforts to portray third parties as irrelevant. The obvious flaw in that position is that irrelevant things deserve NO attention. The fact they are fighting us now is a clear indicator that we have the power to change the course of history.

This November, and even now, the American Solidarity Party is a catalyst for change! The political system as we know it delivers only disappointment and empty promises. It won’t change itself, however. You must help change it! Many states will only offer the capacity for write-in votes when casting a ballot for the Sonski-Onak ASP ticket. This may feel unfamiliar, but we urge you to consider what the familiar continues to produce before being dissuaded.

Please continue to spread the word about the American Solidarity Party and Sonski-Onak 24. Your confidence and conviction is our best advertising!


From Peter’s Desk: Building a Foundation


From Peter’s Desk: The Greater Good